Grasp the "Six Musts" and Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Education Operations in Universities

ZOU Lei, WANG Hong-feng, TAN Zi-yi

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Journal of Dalian Minzu University ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6) : 481-485.

Grasp the "Six Musts" and Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Education Operations in Universities

  • ZOU Lei, WANG Hong-feng, TAN Zi-yi
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The great development of education in the new era has given new connotation to the function of higher education, and also puts forward new requirements for party building work in colleges and universities. From the perspectives of talent cultivation, cultural inheritance and in-novation, and scientific research in colleges and universities, this study elaborates on the "Six Musts",and promoting the in-depth integration of party building and education operations in colleges and universities. At the sametime, it is proposed that the party building work in colle-ges and universities must adapt to the requirements of the times, grasp the position and view-points of "Six Musts", strive to explore the effective methods and paths of party building to lead the integration and development of education operations, and promote the party building work and education operations work in the same direction, resonate with the same frequency, and in-tegrate in depth, so as to promote the scientific development of colleges and universities to pro-vide a strong political and organizational guarantee. To promote the scientific development of col-leges and universities to provide strong political and organizational guarantee.

Key words

Six Musts / party building in universities / education operations / deep integration

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ZOU Lei, WANG Hong-feng, TAN Zi-yi. Grasp the "Six Musts" and Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Education Operations in Universities. Journal of Dalian Minzu University. 2023, 25(6): 481-485


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